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The Anarcho-Syndicalist Alliance Speech

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The Anarcho-Syndicalist Alliance Speech Empty The Anarcho-Syndicalist Alliance Speech

Post by Guest Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:46 pm

A new face was seen on the propaganda channel across the republic. Yet it was so familiar, it was the A.S.A general leader, the kerb who was assumed dead after a ballistic missile strike. A prerecorded film was playing.

"Greetings citizens of Segerline.

This has been a long war. Many thousands have died for different causes, and much miss information has been spread against both sides. I am broadcasting this because victory is within our grasp. I am here to tell you why you should not fear me nor my men but rather shall welcome us. We fight for the freedom of all, the freedom to think and say what you want, live your life as you want without fear of the government.

This is what the problem with this country is. Before this time, before big brother we had a free land. Everyone was happy, and lived life to its full extent. No one was to tell you what to do with your life, when you were to get to bed, when to eat lunch or even what to eat for lunch. This was a time of peace and without fear that lasted 125 years. Today however is a different time... We live in fear of big brother, we get indoctrinated into slaves to work our entire life, and when we finally get to 'paradise' we are in fact disposed into giant furnaces and turned into ashes.

We have finally decided to revolt, and the price has high for liberty. The revolt is a consequence of a failing system based on slavery to the state. I promise you, all means of opression will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. All those who are loyal to the state I beg you; don't give yourself to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you, who regiment your lifes, telling you what to think and what to feel. They drill you, diet you, treat you as slaves, use you as cannon fodder. Don't give yourself to these machine kerb, machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines! You are not slaves! You are kerbs!

Kerbs who have the ability to feel other emotions than the love to our slave master. Kerbs who have the power to control your life and make it a wonderful adventure! Let's use this power, and create a country to free all kerbs! Let us fight, to dispose this tyrannical regime once and for all and retake the power to the people! Join me, take up arms against your slave masters and fight for liberty! Once and for all, Segerline will return to its golden age of freedom!"

The tv shuts down, and all around the loyalist territories, people starts to wake up. Mobs around the country starts riots, and several regiments starts to desert the army to join the A.S.A forces. The war would soon be over.


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